When George VI died, elizabeth II succeeded to the throne. 乔治六世死后,伊丽莎白二世继位。
There was panic in London; a ship was ready to take George II to Hanover. 伦敦一片惊慌,载运乔治二世逃往汉诺威的船只已经准备就绪了。
George II of Greece regains his throne. 希腊的乔治二世重新加冕。
England under George II was prosperous. 乔治二世统治下的英国繁荣昌盛。
George II controlled the graphite by declaring it a crime to ship it out of the country. 乔治二世为了控制石墨开采,宣告用船运石墨出国是一种犯罪。
The du Lac Sevres and the Trevenna George II plate were out; 他们把杜拉克·塞沃尔与特利文纳·乔治二世的镀金餐具拿了出来。
George had always said that Episode II would be a love story, and it has a real sort of courtly delicacy about it. 乔治总是说EP2将是一个爱情故事,而确实有一种真正尊严而有礼的微妙感情在其中。
And a final clause would tidy up a rule under which all descendants of George II, an18-century monarch, require royal permission to marry. 最后一则条款将重新整理乔治二世(十八世纪君主)的后裔结婚需获得皇家允许的规定。